Amazon Kindle
There are many EBook readers to choose from. Different brands offer their very own EBook readers with distinct specifications. The Amazon Kindle is one among the many popular EBook readers today. The first of the Amazon Kindle units was released in 2007; it was widely accepted by the public for its good features. Until now, the latest unit is currently in demand in the market. The Kindle units are famous for their flexibility, quality display and sounds, and can be carried anywhere you go. They also boast its wireless connectivity, allowing users to download EBooks directly at the Kindle store or from other sources.
If you are looking for an EBook reader with good features and specifications, you could consider the Amazon Kindle units. There are good units to choose from, with great features. It depends on your personal orientations and the characteristics that you want.
Among the Kindle units, the Kindle DX boasts its 9.7 inch E-ink display. The screen display can even shift from landscape to portrait mode. It has 3G wireless connectivity that allows access to the Kindle store for EBooks download, storing up to 3500 EBooks. The reader has a built-in PDF reader as well. There is also a long life span for the batteries. It has an internal memory of 4GB; however there are no expansion slots for additional memory. The large size of this unit is not preferred by most users, smaller units are more desirable.
One of the Kindle units to be noted is the Kindle 3. This unit was released last year. It became the best selling EBook reader. You can choose either the Wi-Fi or the 3G enabled units. This connectivity permits you to download EBooks directly at the Kindle store. With the latest E-ink display, it gives users a good quality screen best suited for reading. The slim and sleek design, gives the unit an elegant and classy look. The Kindle 3 is the best bet if you have a limited budget. It is affordable and gives you the best features an EBook reader should have.
The Amazon Kindle products are packed with amazing features. Through the years, the Kindle units have undergone many changes and modifications. Today, it is one of the best and considered as the first choice for an EBook reader. Choosing the latest Kindle unit is an ideal choice. With quality paper like display, connectivity for downloading EBooks and stylish designs, the Amazon Kindle in comparison to Audible and other EBook readers in the market today, definitely stands out